Families of children starting kindergarten in the 2019/20 school year are invited to The Preschool Place and Kindergarten’s full-day kindergarten Open House on January 15 at 9:00 am or 7:00 pm. At the Open House, parents and caregivers will:
- learn about the small class environment that results in big learning outcomes (a maximum of 16 students with 1 full-time teacher and 1 full-time teaching assistant);
- learn about the outstanding curriculum that is the foundation for academic success in first grade and beyond;
- talk to the certified and experienced teachers;
- talk to parents of kindergarten graduates;
- visit the kindergarten classroom.
The kindergarten program is for children who turn five by September 30. Kindergarten class hours are 8.45 am – 2.30 pm Monday-Friday. Before Care and after school programs are available: school opens at 8 am and closes 6.00 pm daily.