Where Quality and Caring Meet

A Non-Sectarian School

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Educating the Community Since 1977

Inventor’s Workshop

** Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately we will not be offering this class until further notice. Thank you for your understanding.**

We offer Inventor’s Workshop for three year olds and Inventor’s Workshop II for four year olds . Both classes meet meets Thursdays 11:30-2:30.  discoverease9

Everyone is talking about the importance of STEAM education these days (SCIENCE ~ TECHNOLOGY~ ENGINEERING~ ART~ MATH).

STEAM classes teach the critical thinking and problem solving skills children need to thrive. In this class, your child will experience all the components of STEAM and build math and science skills while engaging in the fun of construction.  Engineers of the future…here we come!

discvoer-ease-9discover-ease-8All enrichment classes include a rest period 11:30-12:00 and lunch time.  You will need to send your child to school with a dairy lunch that will be refrigerated and a backpack with a beach towel (to cover a cot) and a small blanket.  You will receive more information once your child is enrolled in a program.  There will be an additional $25 charge per enrichment for children not enrolled in a general preschool class.
